SQL cast as integer

In SQL Server, the CAST function is used to convert an expression of one data type to another. This is particularly useful when you need to ensure that data is of the correct type for a specific operation or comparison. When you need to convert a value to an integer, you can use the CAST function as follows:

CAST(your_column AS INT) AS your_new_column
FROM your_table;

Here is a breakdown of this statement:

SELECT: This is the SQL command to retrieve data from a database.

CAST(your_column AS INT): This part of the statement uses the CAST function to convert the data type of your_column to an integer (INT).

AS your_new_column: This assigns an alias to the newly cast column, making it easier to reference in your result set.

FROM your_table: This specifies the table from which to retrieve the data.


Suppose you have a table called orders with a column named order_amount stored as a VARCHAR, but you need to perform arithmetic operations on it. First, you need to convert it to an integer.

CAST(order_amount AS INT) AS order_amount_int
FROM orders;

Important Considerations

Data Compatibility: Ensure that the data in the column you are casting can be successfully converted to an integer. If there are any non-numeric values, the conversion will fail and result in an error.

Performance: Converting data types can impact query performance, especially if done repeatedly on large datasets. Consider converting data types during data import or ETL processes to avoid on-the-fly conversions.

Alternative Functions: SQL Server also offers the CONVERT function, which can be used similarly to CAST. CONVERT provides more flexibility with its style parameter, which can be useful for converting dates and other formatted data types.

Handling Conversion Errors

To handle potential conversion errors, you can use TRY_CAST instead of CAST. TRY_CAST returns NULL if the conversion fails, which can be useful for data cleansing.

TRY_CAST(order_amount AS INT) AS order_amount_int
FROM orders;

In summary, using CAST to convert values to an integer in SQL Server is a straightforward process that enhances data manipulation and ensures type consistency. Always verify that the data being converted is appropriate for the target data type to avoid errors and maintain data integrity.