SQL Analytical functions are a set of powerful tools that enable data analysts and developers to perform complex calculations and transformations on groups of data, without the need for complex sub-queries or multiple queries. They allow you to perform calculations over a set of rows that are related to each other. Analytical functions can be…(Continue Reading)
Category: SQL
SQL Tutorial – Learn sql language
The SQL CUME_DIST() function is a window function that is used to calculate the cumulative distribution of a set of values in a group. The function returns the cumulative distribution of a value, which is the percentage of rows that have a value less than or equal to the current row value. Syntax The syntax…(Continue Reading)
The PERCENT_RANK() function is a built-in SQL function that calculates the relative rank of a row within a result set. Specifically, it calculates the percentage rank of a row based on its value compared to the other rows in the result set. The PERCENT_RANK() function takes into account the total number of rows in the…(Continue Reading)
The SQL NTILE() function is a ranking function that is used to divide a result set into a specified number of equally-sized groups or “buckets”. This function can be particularly useful when you want to divide a large result set into smaller, more manageable chunks or when you want to perform statistical analysis on groups…(Continue Reading)
The SQL DENSE_RANK() function is a built-in ranking function in SQL that assigns a unique rank to each row within a result set, based on the values in one or more columns. Unlike the RANK() function, which leaves gaps in the rank sequence when there are ties, the DENSE_RANK() function always produces a consecutive ranking,…(Continue Reading)
The SQL RANK() function is a window function that assigns a rank to each row within a result set based on the values in one or more columns. The rank value represents the relative position of the row within the result set, with a lower rank indicating a higher position. Syntax The syntax of the…(Continue Reading)
The SQL ROW_NUMBER() function is a built-in analytical function that assigns a unique sequential number to each row within a result set. It is a window function that is used to return the sequential number of a row within a specific partition of a result set. Syntax The basic syntax for using the ROW_NUMBER() function…(Continue Reading)
SQL Ranking Functions
SQL ranking functions are used to assign a rank or position to each row within a specific partition or result set based on a specified criteria. They can be very useful for analyzing data and identifying patterns or trends. Here are the most commonly used SQL ranking functions: ROW_NUMBER() – This function assigns a unique…(Continue Reading)
SQL Window Functions
SQL window functions, also known as analytical functions, are a powerful feature in SQL that allow you to perform calculations across multiple rows in a result set. Window functions operate on a “window” of data that is defined by a specific set of rows within a result set, and can be used to calculate running…(Continue Reading)
The SQL YEAR function is a built-in function in most SQL database management systems that allows you to extract the year from a date or datetime data type. The function returns an integer representing the year component of the specified date. Syntax The syntax of the YEAR function may vary slightly depending on the specific…(Continue Reading)