In SQL, the DATE data type is used to store dates, without any time information. This data type is useful when you need to store information about dates, such as birthdays, appointments, or deadlines, but don’t need to keep track of specific times of day. The SQL DATE data type is stored in a specific…(Continue Reading)


In SQL, the TEXT data type is used to store a large amount of textual data. It is a variable-length character string data type that can store up to 2^31-1 bytes of data. Syntax The syntax for creating a column with the TEXT data type is as follows: CREATE TABLE table_name ( column_name TEXT );…(Continue Reading)


In SQL, VARCHAR is a data type used to represent character string values of variable length. The term VARCHAR stands for Variable Character. It is one of the most commonly used data types in SQL, especially for storing textual data such as names, addresses, and descriptions. Syntax The syntax for defining a VARCHAR data type…(Continue Reading)


In SQL, CHAR is a data type that represents a fixed-length character string. It is commonly used to store textual data, such as names, addresses, and other alphanumeric data. Syntax The syntax for creating a CHAR column in a table is as follows: CREATE TABLE table_name ( column_name CHAR(length) ); Here, length is the number…(Continue Reading)


In SQL, the REAL data type is used to represent floating-point numbers. It is a numeric data type that can store values with decimal points and can have a precision of up to 7 digits. The SQL REAL data type is commonly used for storing data that requires high precision and accuracy, such as financial…(Continue Reading)


In SQL, the FLOAT data type is used to represent floating-point numbers, which are numbers with a fractional component. The SQL FLOAT data type is commonly used when working with scientific or financial data, where precision and accuracy are important. The FLOAT data type is a numeric data type, which means that it can store…(Continue Reading)


The SQL DECIMAL data type is used to represent fixed-point numeric values with exact precision. It is commonly used in financial and accounting applications where precision and accuracy are of utmost importance. The DECIMAL data type is also known as NUMERIC, and it is specified using the syntax DECIMAL(P,S), where P represents the total number…(Continue Reading)


SQL NUMERIC data type is a data type used to store numeric values with exact precision and scale. It is a versatile data type that can store both integers and decimal values with high precision. The NUMERIC data type is also commonly known as DECIMAL, and it is typically used in financial and monetary applications…(Continue Reading)


SQL BIGINT is a data type used in relational databases to represent a large integer value. It is a numeric data type that can store whole numbers ranging from -9223372036854775808 to 9223372036854775807. The BIGINT data type is used when the range of values of the regular INTEGER data type is insufficient. For example, if you…(Continue Reading)


In SQL, SMALLINT is a numeric data type that stores integer values ranging from -32,768 to 32,767. The SQL SMALLINT data type takes up 2 bytes of storage space and is commonly used for columns that store small numbers. The main advantage of using the SMALLINT data type is that it requires less storage space…(Continue Reading)